
VDSC announces Correction of Decision No. 50/2022/QD HDQT

On August 12,2022, Viet Dragon Securities Corporation announced the Decision No. 50/2022/QD-HDQT dated August 12, 2022 of Board of Directors on approving the results of stock issuance to pay dividends in 2021, increase share capital from owner's equity and the plan distribution of ESOP shares has not been fully distributed.

Now, the Company would like to correct the issuance date of Decision 50/2022/QD-HDQT as follows:

The issuance date of Decision

50/2022/QD-HDQT announced



August 12, 2022

The issuance date of Decision

50/2022/QD-HDQT correcting



August 11, 2022


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