
VDSC announces Earnings release of 2nd Quarter and the first half of 2021

VDSC is pleased to announce the Earnings release of Q2/2021, recording the revenue of VND 327 billion, earnings after tax of VND 149 billion, which increased 47% YoY.

Accumulated for the first 6 months of 2021, VDSC recorded revenue of approximately VND 535 billion, accomplishing the FY2021 target and equal to 3.1 times YoY. Within which, business segments of brokerage, investment banking and investment all completed and exceeded target of FY2021.

Earnings before tax (EBT) reached over VND 310 billion, while Earnings after tax (EAT) was VND 247 billion, equal to 171% FY2021 target and 19 times the result of the same period last year. This is the highest profit VDSC has ever achieved since its establishment.

Earnings per share (EPS) of Q2/2021 was VND 1,486, increased 52% compared to the previous quarter. The trailing four quarters EPS was VND 3,835.


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