
Financial Services

marginDragon 0.035% per day
Preferential Margin Interest Rate Schedule
From 01 to 03 (3 days)0.000% per day
From 04 to 08 (5 days)0.028% per day
From 09 to 15 (7 days)0.032% per day
From 160.040% per day
Service Fee Shedule
Service Registration (*)/ ChangeFree
Service Cancellation: If the Debt(s) of m15Dragon > 0 and Trading Ratio < 3 (**)0.3% * Temporary Additional Trading Amount
Service Cancellation: Other casesFree
Applied simultaneously with other services (**)0.3% * Total spends on other services

(*)  Applicable to clients currently using the marginDragon interest rate schedule and fee schedule with a minimum fee of   0.1%.

(**) The Trading Ratio is calculated during the effective period of the marginDragon service.
     The Temporarily Additional Trading Amount: Clients need a standard trading value to meet the condition of free service cancellation.
      Customers will be notified The total fee on Service Cancellation or fee on Applied simultaneously with other services (if yes).


Cash Advance


Collateral Asset Management
Holding pledged Securities Account/ Assets
VND 1,000,000/ per case/ time
Releasing pledged Securities Account/ Assets
VND 500,000/ per case/ time
Holding confirmation feeVND 500,000/ time


This fee schedule is subject to changes at the announcements of RongViet Securities.